MPICH group will have a series of events in SC’14 (, including talks, posters, BoFs, tutorials and demos. You can download the
SC14-mpich-flyer here. Come and meet us at the following events:
- Papers
- Mon / 04:10pm – 04:40pm / 286-7 / Simplifying the Recovery Model of User-Level Failure Mitigation
- Wed / 10:30am – 11:00am / 393-4-5 / Nonblocking Epochs in MPI One-Sided Communication (Best Paper Finalist)
- Wed / 11:30am – 12:00pm / 393-4-5 / MC-Checker: Detecting Memory Consistency Errors in MPI One-Sided Applications
- Posters
- Tue / 05:15pm – 07:00pm / Lobby / Using Global View Resilience (GVR) to add Resilience to Exascale Applications (Best Poster Finalist)
- BoFs
- Tue / 05:30pm – 07:00pm / 386-7 / MPICH: A High-Performance Open-Source MPI Implementation
- Wed / 05:30pm – 07:00pm / 293 / The Message Passing Interface : MPI 3.1 and Plans for MPI 4.0
- Tutorials
- Mon / 08:30am – 05:00pm / 389 / Advanced MPI Programming, by Pavan Balaji, William Gropp, Torsten Hoefler, Rajeev Thakur
- Mon / 08:30am – 05:00pm / 386-7 / Parallel I/O In Practice, by Robert J. Latham, Robert Ross, Brent Welch, Katie Antypas
- Demos
- Tue / 04:20pm – 05:00pm / UTK/NICS Booth #2925 / Argo Runtime for Massive Concurrency
- Wed / 11:00am – 01:00pm / DOE Booth #1939 / ARGO: An Exascale Operating System and Runtime